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Hey Lugar - It took me 3 times before I finally was able to get off of my drug; each time going back to Day 0 to start over again. Every single time I felt the same way you did - I was so guilty and beat me self up for failing. You have to realize you are dealing with a drug that will tell you to do anything to feed itself; especially once the withdrawals begin. You can fight the physical craving by controlling the mental craving. Think of your family first and how it is hurting them. Your thoughts of your family should be strong enough to stop the mental cravings that you fell victim to. Keep fighting - that's how we all got here. Cocaine with viagra I recently had sex for the first time, and it was extremely painful because my foreskin was pulled back behind the head of my penis for the first time ever. Now, even when flaccid, the head of my penis is visible, and it is extremely painful. Is this normal? How do I stop the pain? Thanks.

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Do you get pains in your stomach? "Weird type" feelings throughout your body? Does panic linger throughout the day or for even weeks? Without taking perscriptions, can you devolop a panic disorder and feel like everything is happening to your body even though you aren't taking anything? Or do things intensify when you're on medication? Do "weird" feelings all over your body make you panic, or do you panic and cause these "weird" feelings in your body? Is it cancer, is it a tumor, am i about to die, faint, go into convulsions?! Am i in a dream, outside my body? It's like my skeleton wants to free itself from my body or something and it freaks me out? Arms numb, fingers tingly, short of breath? Am i gonna throw up or not? Why would i if doctors say, "Hey, you're blood looks great and so does everything else." Really? Are you sure?! Well why oh why do i feel like this? sublingual viagra

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