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Absolutely no hope for me. But 20 minutes later it hit. My arousal was unhibited. I realized that my penis was its own entity which merely responded to stimuli the way it should and I didn't have to "think" myself hard. I was suddenly relaxed and the sex was beautiful. Since then, my confidence has soared and I've decreased the dosage to 25 mg with the same positive effect. I am hoping that soon I will not need the drug at all. It's possible that perhaps I am already at that point but I don't want to ruin a good thing. Anyway, that's my story. There is no sense living with something that can be corrected. Make cum taste better viagra Thanks for all the replies so far, i truly appreciate them. im living in America right now.recently left ireland. spoke to a nurse friend of mine and she agreed that it looked like a fungal infection.i just got clotrimazole cream from the about a guy that had the exact same symptoms as me and he was given that cream, healed pretty well within a week, and fully in 3 weeks. so, ive put that cream on this evening.hopefully it will work and destroy the infection.the one thing im still worried about is that it obviously heals my foreskin tighter and i really hope that when its healed fully i'll still be able to pull the foreskin back without it being to stretched and ripped again.i guess as one of the replies said its probably the bacteria that causing it to rip here's hopin.will let ya know how it goes.thanx again everyone. Levitra latest Testicles have also felt rather tight lately. I have hit the gym in the last 12 months or so and my legs are much bigger then they used to be. As a result my underwear became tight and it got to the point where I was getting a pain in my testicles from my underwear being to tight. I have switched to boxers and this pain has gone away, however I have noticed they are still getting very tight and not "hanging free" as much as they used to. It gets very annoying and uncomfortable. I am a little concerned that during this time my underwear was tight I have done some damage. Is this normal? I'm to embarrassed to have sex because it looks stupid. plus it feels uncomfortable. It is still pleasurable when I *** though, and after I have finished my testicle immediatly begins to drop from the base of my penis to where it was before I got hard. Man this is embarrassing! Please help I am freaking out! PS. I am 24.
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