tisdag 11 maj 2010

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Does anyone know if it's possible to increase the "strength" (not amount used) of phentolamine in the Tri-Mix injections? My husband is still not getting a good result from these. We know he's doing the injection correctly. He has no other health problems that would impact ED.

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Will01 - Your comments and questions sound like a duplicate of those I had for doj after he had his implant. I had my five week checkup today and the doc said I was good to go.SO I WENT! How was it? GREAT! (Or BETTER THAN GREAT.) It's hard to say how much my length was adversely affected since I had lost some during surgery for prostate cancer four years and four months ago. When I used the VED, I could get it somewhat over six inches, and it also increased the girth. Girth was never a problem for me, but I was never overly endowed with length. It is sufficient, however. A little more would help, but what I now have is certainly better than what I've had ever since mid-2003. I had my implant on Thursday, August 30. I'm normally off on Fridays, and someone worked for me on Sunday, Sept. 2, then I had Labor Day and a short work week again to recuperate. I went back on Sunday, Sept. 9. Worked only a short while and went home. Had to leave early on the following Monday and Tuesday, 9/10 and 9/11, until someone told me the painkillers I was taking was making me sick. They were. The pain coul 1000 d be handled with a couple of ibuprofen tablets a couple of times a day, and getting off the prescription pain medication helped a lot. My doc told me it usually took six weeks for the soreness to abate sufficient to pump it up, but I got lucky and healed a little quicker. Took some good sized doses of Vitamin C before and after the implant to facilitate healing. The Implant as an answer? GO FOR IT! As the webpage I quoted earlier said: "With an Implant, Erectile Dysfunction is a thing of the past!"  Viagra equivelent

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I got my implant appr 60 hours ago now. yesterday at hospital my docc said a huge haemathoma on the right side of my penisshaft was completely normal, but when I look at pictures whereothers have posted theirs mine looks horrible. makes my penis look round more than straight. getting afraid of an infectious haemathoma. feel stupid to contact doc again today as it looks as yesterday. Otherwise I am doing fine, not much pain, Use no painkillers at all actually. Got my implant very young, 34 yo, as all other treatments failed. So uncomfartably as it is right now I really wish thi one will help me how to increas the libido  cialis tadalafil reviews

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