onsdag 17 mars 2010

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Hi there, ive just joined this website as i am looking for some advice on viagra. I am 19 years of age and have been dating this girl for a month now. we have tried 3 times to have sex but just when i am putting the condom on i go soft and cannot have sex with her. i know viagra is mainly used by older people but i need to fix this problem so should i start taking them myself? I would really appreciate the advice, thanks Ryan

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Hello blackraven. i just wanted to tell you that i understand how you feel and wanted to share some advice as i'm sure others will do the same. i am new to the boards by about three weeks or so, and have gotten some amazing help and suggestions here, this is a great place to come and vent, ask questions, get advice ect. if it were not for some of the people here, i wouldnt be where i am today and i wish that i could personally give them all hugs for all they have done for me. i'm very sorry to hear that on your first visit that the doc would not prescribe anything. i too just went to see a new pm doc yesterday after having a horrific experience with another pm doc for 2.5 weeks and was very nervous about whether or not i would be prescribed anything, but i went in with my hands full of information about myself. my question to you is, did you take any records with you such as previous doctors records to show what you have been dx with? what you were previoulsy treated with as far as medications? any ct scans, mri or xray reports? ect. when i went to see my new pm doc yesterday, i had with me all of my records from my rheumy for the past two yrs (she was who had been treating me then referred me out to a pm doc), i printed up my pharmacy history for two yrs to show what i had taken in the past and was currently taking for two yrs (you can either do this by going to your insurance carrier online and you should be able to view your prescription history, or you can go to the pharmacy where you get your rx's filled and have them print out a report). i took in my last mri and ct scan disc's and reports, i took in a pain diary i had kept for the past two yrs, and then finally i had taken in a gallon size ziplock bag of the medications that were currently being prescribed of meds that worked and meds that didnt work. i did not ask the pm doc for any medications because i was too afraid of being labeled a "seeker" and i simply hoped that after going over my history he would see that there 1000 were three particular meds that i had taken for two yrs that worked well. i also let him know that although i had gone through many facet joint inj's, epidurals and trigger point injs which had caused more discomfort rather than help, i was willing to try whatever he suggested because maybe his technique of doing them is different from others and they may work. i was open to trying anything to get my pain levels under control. i always ask a new doctor towards the end of our visit, why they chose the profession of pain management? and do they or have they ever suffered from chronic pain? i have found as well for myself that making multiple appts with multi docs helps, because if one doesnt work out, then you dont have to start your search from the start and you also dont have to wait another few weeks to get into another appt. if you find a doc that you feel is going to treat your pain the way you want or are comfortable with, then you can always cancel the other appts. its exhausting, upsetting, depressing and of course painful to have to find a good doctor, but i would highly suggest arming yourself with your medical history and pharmacy information, if for some reason you cant get copies of your pharmacy history, take in your empty bottles of anything you took or full bottles of what you are currently taking, this will at least show the new doctor that you have taken the meds before and he then has some history to go off of. many people will tell you that when you go in empty handed and have nothing to provide to a new doctor, more times than not, they will never prescribe on the first day. i hope that i have helped maybe just a little by providing you with what i did when i went to see my new pm doc. and i sincerely hope that you will soon find some help, because i was just in your shoes a couple weeks ago and its not a good feeling at all. there are many others on here as well that may be able to suggest someone or a group practice that they have heard of in your area. one of the posters on my thread mentioned the place that i went to yesterday and i wish i could personally thank them, because im positive that i'm now in the right hands of a good, caring and understanding doc. please keep posting and let us all know how things turn out with you and i wish you the best of luck and of course to be painfree soon. lisa Please know that you do take a risk. The two main strains of herpes virus that are transmitted through sexual activity are HSV-1 and HSV-2. Traditionally, HSV-1 has a predilection for the mouth, lips, oral mucosa, etc. and you know them as cold sores. HSV-2 is the typical herpes of the genitalia. You can mix and match them up anyway you please. Have an active cold sore? You can give someone an HSV-1 infection on their genitals via oral sex. It also works vice versa. The virus takes up residence in a couple of specific nerve ganglion locations where it is protected from your immune system and you have it FOR LIFE. The virus can can also be transmitted before the actual outbreak of lesions. So. the grass may look clean, but it isn't. Get my drift? So, be careful out there.

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I play a vareity, mainly roch/blues, but instrumental acoustic playing is where my heart is. And yes, typically i drive myself to my appt's. I had my soutchers taken out today, and my doc said that the incision looks "very good". It's nice to hear some positive news from him. It makes me feel as though my body is healing. However - i'm not sure what it was that i ate that has given me such firey BM's today. Man they're treally pianful. Solid, but painful. Maybe it was the powdered donut, but even though the BM's have been few and far between, they sure are "burny". I just downed a couple glasses of water so i hope that cools things off. I'm sorry to hear about the findings of your sonogram. I know it sounds cliche, but don't borrow trouble. (something i've told myself a couple dozen times) This could be any one of half a dozen things. Please try and wait until the findings are confirmed before building it up in your mind that it's the worst case scenario. That was something i did all the time to myself during  cialis paypal

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