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Apcalis Comparo Sale viagra sample Hello everyone, I am new to the boards, but have been lurking for sometime and now have the need to actually post as I have a question for myself. A little background about myself…. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia approx 9 yrs ago and have had my pain successfully treated with Tramadol. I personally consider it to be a miracle medication for me. I know that it works for some and not for others, but I couldn’t live without it, otherwise I would be bed ridden in severe pain. I am a mother to 4 wonderful children youngest is 10 and the oldest is 23 and have been married for 16 yrs. I USE to work for Home Depot as the garden supervisor up until Dec of 2006 when I injured my back lifting, pulling and pushing approx 1200 live xmas tree’s over the span of a month and a half. For the record I am 5’7 and only weighed 115lbs. I ended up in the ER Dec 23rd due to excrutiating pain in the lumbar area. Xray’s didn’t show anything wrong, however was referred to an Ortho doc for further evaluation. Had MRI’s & Cat Scan’s still showing nothing wrong, however my pain radiated down into my rear-end and into my legs, with some slight numbness. My movement was very restricted, sleep was impossible, standing for more than ? hour impossible and I was having to adjust my position just sitting approx every 20 mins to reduce the pain. The Ortho Doc was one of the best in Virginia and had suggested that I undergo some physical therapy for approx 6 weeks, which ended with zero improvement. I also had done two series of Facet injections as well as a lumbar epidural, still to no improvement. The final step was to do a discography and finally that is when we found some answers. I ended up having problems with my L5-S1 region , which the options given to me were to either live my life adjusting to the pain and remaining on medications or to go ahead with a spinal fusion. I opted for the fusion. Which I had done in 2007. 8 1000 more weeks of physical therapy, pool therapy, massage therapy and a year later after the fusion, I was still in horrible pain, if not worse than prior to the surgery. A decision was made to remove the hardware as I was now dealing with excrutiating pain where the hardware was. We had high hopes that after removing those that I would become at least somewhat pain free. Well…. Not so. I had a wonderful Rheumatologist that had been treating my Fibro who then began treating my pain for me back. My Ortho Doc thought that I couldn’t handle anymore than 5mg of vicodin because of my small size and refused to prescribe anything stronger, this was even after I had told him that I had a very high tolerance to medications. So needless to say I suffered greatly because of his theory of my being too small to tolerate stronger meds. Thankfully my Rheumy knew me well enough to know my tolerance level and began treating my pain and did so for two yrs, up until two weeks ago. She gave me apart of my life back, in that I was no longer crying daily from pain, I was able to play with my children, I was able to do simple household chores, I would actually go to a store and walk around without feeling like I was going to collapse ? later, I felt like a regular human being again. She had been treating me with Soma 3 x day, Tramadol 4 x day and 2 tabs of 30mg oxycodone 4-6 x a day. I NEVER once felt high or loopy on my meds, they simply removed my pain and took my levels down to approx a 2 rather than what I had been dealing with which was an 8 daily. I owed her my life. Now granted she didn’t start me on that high of a doseage, but we ended up building up to that. She had actually wanted me to go on Oxycontin, but I didnt want to, until I began waking up in severe pain and that’s when I finally agree’d to try it and use the oxycodone for BT. We tried a two week trial period on it, which I would have stayed on, but only if I could only take it once at night, just to get through a full night without waking up in pain, but when I went back for my two week follow up and I explained that it worked well, she decided for whatever reason to discontinue the oxycontin and up my doseage of oxycodone to 12 a day. She wanted me to take 4 tabs of 30mg oxycodone’s 3 x a day. I explained that I would have preferred to have taken them 2 tabs 6 x day. I don’t know what happened, but she decided to not refill the script and instead wrote me a script for 6 weeks of methadone and asked me to find a pain management doc. I was floored, in shock and of course panicked to the bone. There was no tapering me off of what I had been taking, just a switch to methadone and after coming home and reading all about methadone and the horrendous WD’s that people had gone through as well as the FDA patient advisory alert put out in 2007 about the many deaths caused by methadone, I made the decision to not take the medication, which of course I ended up going into full blown WD’s after taking such high doses for two yrs daily. After calling her in tears telling her that I was afraid to take the methadone and that I didn’t want to get involved in a medication where the WD’s were a 1000 times worse than going off of opioids, she explained that she would not change the script and that I needed to find a PM doc. Thankfully I didn’t have to wait too long as I had found a PM doc on day 7 of my WD’s . I have never seen a PM doc before and wasn’t sure what to expect, but hoped that they would allow me to continue on what had worked for me for two yrs. I knew not to go in and ASK for certain medications because of course your then labeled a seeker and I was willing to do anything that she deemed needed to be done as far as tests, shots, ect… Even trying new medications. Well that appt with the PM doc was the most hellish nighmare I had ever had to go through. I remember hearing two patients before me, screaming in pain and begging her 1000 to stop and I thought to myself… do I run now, or stick it out and hope my appt wont be that bad. Mine was just as bad in the end. She examined me, went over my history of faxes from my surgeon’s, xray, mri’s and cat scan reports and I had even taken in two yrs worth of pharmacy history for her to see what I had been taking. I even went so far as to take in all my empty bottles and any full bottles of meds I had taken and tried. She ended up doing a physical and in the end adding on 4 additional diagnosis’ of more problems with my back, joints, nerves ect… She wanted to do some injections, which I agreed to, although I had explained that in the past none of the injections improved my levels of pain and if anything made them worse. Well to make a long story short she did a series of joint injections, which was horribly painful and then wrote out approx 7 different scripts. I have never walked out of an office with more than two scripts at a time and to walk out with 6 new ones was very odd for me. The medications that she placed me on were…. Klonopin .5mg 3 x day, Naproxen 375mg 1 tab 2 x day, Tegretol 100mg chew 1 tab 2 x day for two weeks, then chew 2 tabs 2 x a day, Methadone 10mg 2 tabs in the AM and then 2 tabs in the PM, Ropinirole 1mg 3 tabs daily, Etidonrate 200mg 1 tab daily & Oxycodone 15mg 1-2 tabs 4 x day. I have to go back and see her twice next week, once for a FU and to adjust any meds needed and then the next day to go back for an EMG and a Nerve Conduction test and she said possibly to have another set of injections done. I guess I’m a bit confused as to why she would add all these other medications, when what I was taking for two yrs worked very well in controlling my pain. I don’t understand the point in changing something that is working. I would also like to emphasize that during these joint injections they were all done simply by feeling around, there were no xray equipment to guide her in where she was injecting, which bothered me a bit. I’m willing to return to her next week to se
e how things go, but would also like to have my options open to find another PM doc if I feel that this one just isn’t working out. I know that its impossible to find a PM doc that will strictly treat with opioid therapy, but in my two yrs of tests, injections, and many many different meds tried, what it boils down to is that what I was taking is what was working for me. So any suggestions on PM docs that others have dealt with and have been pleased with and that are open minded to treating with opioids would be helpful. I have absolutely no problems with having injections here and there, but would prefer to stay on the medications that have provided a somewhat normal lifestyle for me for the past two yrs, rather than add a cocktail of stuff I’ve never tried before or stuff I have tried that didn’t work. I’m sorry that this turned into a novel, but felt the more information I gave to you the more you would see that I am a chronic pain patient. Some of the wording of problems are listed as… slight scoliosis, Facet joint pain, Spinal Stenosis, Neuro stenosis, DDD, Disc narrowing, Sciatic joint pain, failed lumbar fusion. I live in Virginia and its unfortunate but two of the best PM doc’s have had they’re practice closed down legally and the Docs are currently serving jail time. I did find two others that came highly recommended, however they do no take insurance and they’re office visits cost $675.00 for the initial visit and then each month its $200.00. When you live off of workers compensation like I do, its difficult to pay even a $50.00 office visist. Any suggestions on PM docs or practices that others have tried will be looked into and greatly appreciated. viagra local pickup

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