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Im 19 years old and a virgin. it hurts after i ejaculate. it mainly hurts in the shaft area and the pain last for about a minute. also it sometimes hurts in my butthole (i did not stick anything up there) also sometimes i will wake up in the middle of the night and my penis hurts like someone punched it or my butthole hurts. am i gettin pain becuz i masturbate too much? i masturbate about 4-5 times a month. what is the cause of the pain and how can i stop it. i dont want this to effect my sex life when i start having sex. plaese help! Cialis substitutes That seems awfully dramatic. Does anyone else have any more practical, short term solutions?
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I get erection very easily (all the time) Hey Magic, Gotta weigh in.more so than most that (at least post) here, I can relate exactly to what you're thinking and going through. Do a search by my username for the whole story of me, but in a nutshell, I'm 28 and been diagnosed with the same venous leakage as you. I've been to three urologists, researched implants till my eyes hurt, tried (and failed) the shots - even scheduled myself for ligation surgery till more detailed study of my ultrasounds revealed my leakage is so severe and so deep within me, that the odds of any success (via the operation) are like nill. So like you, I'm totally impotent.always have been and without "something" to fix me, always will be. Also like you, I pretty well came to the conclusion that the odds of science finding a total cure for venous leakage are pretty dismal. The numbers of guys in their 20's that experience ED from leakage are (guesstimated anyway) at fewer than one in ten.hardly numbers worth devoting billions to in search of a cure. lol - life can suck huh? As I said, I pondered hard and heavy getting an implant (read back through my bazillion posts from months back). I spoke to a few men that had them put in, even called the major manufacturers of the things to try and get "the real story" about their durability and "useability." 1000 While initially, it seemed like the way to go - "hard and functional in seconds, and for as long as you want" - the more I read, and the more I spoke with people, the less promising an option it seems, at least while we're young. First hit against the implant (and from what you said, this may be different than you) is that I'm very physical. I'm an amateur bodybuilder/personal trainer, and so in the gym more than a few hours a day. While the implants are durable - Art has said he continued to play raquetball at a professional level for years after his surgeries - intense stress from activity certainly increases the risks for movement, failure or whatever.and anytime something goes wrong down there, back under the knife ya go. Now the notion that I might not be able to do sets of heavy squats with an implant in me isn't in and of itself enough to not go with surgery, rather it's the notion that I wouldn't any longer be able to do those simple physical things that a young guy takes for granted. With an implant, you can possibly say good-bye to sleeping on your stomach, running and jumping into pools, camping on the dirt in a sleeping bag, or in fact a hundred other things a 20-something does without thinking, and conversely, a slower moving 50-something just doesn't do! So while the bodybuilding specifically may not be your thing, give serious thought to what your daily life would be like with an implant.for me the possible loss of my "youth" 20 years early, has helped me decide against surgery. Second, the thing really isn't designed for sex the way younger guys would (or perhaps wanna) do it. Per the manufacturers I spoke to, pulling on your thing, engaging in oral "anything," or in fact trying any sex rougher than simple, traditional missionary is gonna result in possible "loss of implant life" to "outright failure and neccesary surgery." While perhaps some sex is better than no sex.I dunno dude, Art, others, correct me if I'm wrong here, but the rougher you are with the thing - as a younger guy is inevitably gonna be as he's both healthier and still learning about sex and sexuality - the greater the odds of problems and more surgeries. So not only does it seem that one has to live like a 60 year old when they have an implant, but they have to do it like a 60 year old with an implant. Seems to me a cure almost worse than the disease! Finally, I've read about some advancements in the foreseeable future that make waiting (even for me at 28 years old and already probably missed my best sexual years) a viable idea. Those shots - which trust me, I hate as much as you - are eventually going to be replaced by other delivery methods. In fact, some company (name escapes me at the moment) tried to patent through the FDA, a gel version of the same meds earlier this year, only to be rejected for some testing error thing. The idea of rubbing and not shooting the meds into Little Me, sounds like something I could get used to. At any rate, the company fully plans to try the patent request again soon, and I'm hopeful (desperate?) they'll succeed. While yah, our venous leakge means we'll never be able to get it up 100%, I'd rather have 50, 70 or 90% via the gel/ring, and not have to worry about surgery, revisions or plastic tubing sitting across my pelvis and running to my now surgically-shrunk member. I dunno.I wrote all that up there, not to sway ya from your choice - believe me, nine years older than you and battling exactly what you're going through, lemme tell ya, it's not going to get easier with time. I went all the way through college, and then grad school watching my friends meet women, hook-up and/or date, and all of it seemingly without any worry that their members were going to respond when needed. Impotence has made my life overall, pretty lonely and often times, quite sad. So I totally understand your want to find a permanent fix, and to find it "now." 1000 ; My thought though, and again even without another nine more years of "no sex" than you, is to wait, keep on with the shots, pills n' rings, and instead (as Art said) try to find a partner that understands, and cares about you as you, and not just as an ever-ready penis with legs. Now, straight-up, you're gonna have to totally redefine what sex is (something I'm really, really having a hard time with btw). Venous leakage means you and I don't get to have drunken "wham bam, thank you ma'ams," and while that's not fair and it's not right, there's worse things in life. For guys like us then, the challenge to is to find a true partner, one that doesn't judge us for our singular limitation. Either way dude, just want ya to know you're not alone. There are guys under 30 that are going through this stuff, and the fact you've had the kahones to go to the doctors, try to find a cure, and moreover to post here, says a lot. You ever need someone to share research with, or just need some encouragement from someone as equally messed up (just playin'), I'm here. cheap viagra india
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