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I have a back injury that has gotten worse over time. I also have cardio myopathy. I went to a pain clinic and they want to put me on methadone. I did see a lot of people there that were very medicated. I don't want to be over medicated myself. They tried moriphine first but it didn't work. I always get worried about taking drugs. I am on ambiem also. Should I be scared to take methadone or trust that it won't have a bad reaction. viagra uk [quote=ANGELINMICHIGAN;3880301]Chev Oh my god, I feel so bad for you. I've been reading posts here and elsewhere and one can become quite overwhelmed even more than all ready when he leaves his insular bubble and feeeeels (strivin' for a Bob Dylan feel there) the sorrow of others suffering. Not that I didn't "feel" it before, but the years sure seem have gone by quick without much bumping into the other travelers limping and rolling along in pain. Perhaps the meds kept me in haze. I understand your story more than you can ever understand. I wish we could talk. I know you have read my posts about "suboxone" withdrawl and you know most of my story but.I still need to post several things to you. I understand that first night in the hospital withdrawl clinic waiting to get the opiates out of your system before they give you suboxone. Yeah, that was odd. I was told that was the protocal, but didn't think about it I guess. I just lay there waiting for whatever is to be the calm transition to the nonopiated world. No calm though. Two years later, the riot of the aftermath of that night are seeming to find it way back into hospital, if the ER tomorrow, to finally do away with whatever is causing me to be sick all these years. I was put in the clinic in the afternoon and I am pretty sure the ward was closed but I was so desperate and in withdrawl (a long story again) that I think they just stuck me in there. It was under a "construction zone" and everything w 1000 as torn up (they were doing the kitchen over, the shower and the rooms you sit in everyday to visit with everyone). It was dark and I was alone. You read here as does the opening of a horror tale. Yeah, one should not be left alone even if they think all will be well. I have no answer. They sent my husband home immediately and he couldn't even get me settled in. I laid there all night, screaming and yelling and crying and calling out for my family and shaking and my legs wouldn't stay still and of course "no sleep". My father claims that the treating doctor told him he had never heard of a withdrawl such as mine, though I remember him showing up the next morning saying maybe four times in his 20 odd year career. And here you are, one of the others. What is the deal with the leg thing? It was horrible. Yeah, I cried, shouted (nurses would come into my room and tell me not to scream).yeah, I feel ya. I paced up and down the lonely halls not even a nurse in sight. The nurses desk was all apart too as they were doing that over again. The nurses were on the other side of the closed double doors that were locked with only them having keys. Most definately a nightmarish tale unfolding here. It's one of those deals where because ya have been there, it's all the more scarier and through it the whole no nurses and locked doubled doors, yeah, not good. The truth: I paced up and down the halls during my stay there--I believe 8 days. When I finally made a doctors appointment after being released, which was almost a month later, I was told by doc that I was reported as "dancing around the halls." Bullocks. It was so dark and quiet and I paced and screamed and cried and nobody even came in. I was so scared! I was in some kind of hell and my family doctor had done this to me and then was in a car accident and "died"! I am in chronic pain and had a Cervical Fusion and Discetomy in 2003 on C5/6 6/7 for bulging discs, arthritis and bone spurs and was in so much pain and tried everything humanly possible to get rid of this pain until a top "Neurosurgeon" said he could help me. I have titanium pins and plates and donor bones also. I was told afterwards that the 2nd donor bone did not fuse or had disintegrated and that the surgery did not do anything for my pain. I was on Percocet in the hospital and when I came home was put on Vicodin and after a while that didn't work for my pain. "Vicodin is a worthless med for those suffering severe pain." My doc kept on adding medication which never really helped a lot with my pain but I took them any way just in case. I never once felt high just a bit better with my pain management. Yeah, the whole "high" thing is not what I experienced either. Maybe the first time given pain meds back in '99, but one forgets that and like you say move along from one med to another til like me, seven years after first spine surgery, taking thousands of mcgs of Actiq/fentanyl a day." Be back. 6buy generic levitra Ct of Georgia, alleges that Jared R. Wheat and his dietary supplement corporations violated the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act by distributing unapproved and misbranded drugs in interstate commerce. Although FDA had repeatedly warned the individual and the corporations about their illegal actions, they continued to make false health and disease claims for the dietary supplement products. One of the provisions of the Consent Decree is that Mr. Wheat’s corporations will stop distributing all dietary supplements until the FDA has reviewed all revised product labeling, promotional literature, and detailed inspection reports from the defendants’ consulting firm. "FDA will continue to take strong action to protect American consumers from dietary supplements that are not accurately labeled or that make false and misleading claims unsupported by scientific evidence," said FDA Commissioner Mark McClellan, M.D., Ph.D. "Today’s action demonstrates FDA’s continued commitment to help consumers make health and diet

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