söndag 16 maj 2010

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Hey all, Well I went to the orhtos office today only this time I saw a different ortho for a different reason.not my neck.my knees The ortho gave me permission to go to the gym and they okayed all I was doing even the length of time. I have had problems with my knees since I was younger and the patella would subluxate or (pop out of the tracking) any how. About 13 days ago i went to the gym and a few days later my kne really started hurting.I also had just made a 30 % decrease in my meds because I am healing well from my ACDF sugery that was on 9-3-08. Well now we are going to the PT for both the neck and the knee and Ihave to have MRI done on the knees. Ortho says.ony real way to fix this issue is to have surgery on the kne. He also told me that a piece of the patella has chipped off and is floating and moving around in there but that happened a long time ago. I am shell shocked.for those of you who do not know my history I will try and make a short list of the history. may 2004 Hysterscopy/laproscopy female surgeery September 2004-work injury to my left least dominant hand/wrist Feb-2005 carpal tunnel surgery-workers comp June-2005 second wrist surgery to repair something similar to a torn maniscus in the knee.Workers comp Aug-2005--find out the second surgery has failed. Dec-2005 partial hysterectomy July--2006--finaally get another surgery (still Work Comp)to fix my left wrist but during the surgery that failed I developed a pincheched nerve at the elbow called Cubital tunnel syndrome.which leads to surgery number 6 March 2007-Ulnar nerve Transpositon Workers comp still finally I am excited and it is now July of 2007 and I am waiting to have my disability rating from workers comp and a car pulls out in front of me while I am driving 50 mph! this leads to many treatements to help my neck injur. Aug-2007 workers comp over and now I trade that for the neck injury. Jan 2008-Posterior Cervical foraminotomy Sep-2008 surgery # 8.ACDF C4-6 fusion still taking place. So for me to go into a ortho today and be told I amy potentially need more surgery for BOTH knees I about fainted. I just can not seem to get anywhere.I just want to go back to work.once again i am so close to going to work again I can touch it.I just applied for a job. Now this. God you really have one heck of a sense of humor. I am tired of appointments.I am tired of meds. I am tired of insurances and spending money on medical costs. Now this.new, but od problem needs fixing. Am I ever going to 1000 be able to live.and run free. I just don't know what the heck I am supossed to do but continue to laugh smile and do one day at a time. Please say a prayer for me.I am a bit sad and dissapointed sky Distributions sp cialis es france Can you open the used potch and apply to the skin for more resoults?if not why? Viagra gag gifts

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Tip for those in Hurricane prone areas Is viagra better than levitra D up to 600 dollars.how do they expect someone to live paying out and waiting months and months til they take a notion to pay you back. I wouldn't sue the surgeon if it was his fault.but I doubt it.he really didn't want to have that surgery and may have stalled it too long.then when we decided to they hadn't paid the surgeon from his last surgery 2 years prior.he wrote them a 9 page letter reaming them out and went ahead with his surgery.in other words this doctor has really stood up for us.fought for us and helped us alot. Hubby was having the numbness and weakness before the surgery, the few days after it it was gone and he walked from one end of that hall to the other.he was so optismistic.and then it shortly returned.before surgery I've seen his leg turn blue.he sits and rubs it so much now he makes sores on it. He wasn't numb initally after surgery.just before it and couldn't walk even to the mail box with out stopping.it got better for a couple weeks if that long after.and t.
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