söndag 6 juni 2010

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Re: Please someone help me.
Chniques. any post that volunteers too much graphic information or any question that requests descriptions for technique or turn-on purposes will be edited or deleted. this rule applies to all four boards. not sure what constitutes too much information (tmi)? if in doubt, don't put it in. abortion discussions are not allowed on this board. it is only allowed on the women’s health board and only the medical aspects of abortion may be discussed, not the moral ones. please read the sticky at the top of the women's health board for more info. h-ocd (homosexual ocd) is to be discussed on the ocd board only, without reference to any specific details of the sexual compulsion. please read the sticky at the top of the obsessions and ocd board for more info. posts may be deleted instead of edited if there are too many edits required. persistent disregard to these rules may lead to banning. if you see any post that is in poor taste or that you feel violates these rules or the general rules of the healthboards, please cl Future Viagra

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If i ever need to urinate, and whilst needing to urinate i still have sex and then ejaculate, for the following half hour or so i have sharp penis pains and feel like i constantly need to urinate. Is this normal? should i see a doctor? Viagra tcm

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If there are any women at all that post on this board: Have you tried horny goat weed to boost your sex drive? Did it work? I need serious help in this department. viagra local pickup Hi I'm a 26 year old male. Have just finished a 3 year relationship. The sex was never too great or too often. Now I'm after meeting a really good looking girl. We' re both really attracted to each other, but the other day I was absolutely none responsive down below. Luckily she very patient but I really don't feel good about this. We really do like each other and I really wish I had alot more of a sex drive so that we could enjoy a good healthy relationship. At the moment this is the last thing I want to happen as I really want to get back into an active sex life. Any ideas what might be going on? Any help appreciated. Levitra reviewed First, I only dropped in here because it was the first thing that came up on a search for "sexual health". I am looking for a expert response but I'll settle for being pointed to a better source of info if there aren't any health professionals here. I have two separate concerns, both concerning masturbation. Before I begin, a little background: I'm 23, I hit puberty ~10 years old (probably started getting erections when I was around 8), figured out on my own how to masturbate when I was 11. My first problem: Since around the age of 13 I've been experiencing a weird pain after masturbation on occasion (I'd estimate 1/25 times that it happens, at least if I maintain the lengths I go to avoid it). It requires a little bit of explaining. It seems to occur if there is any urine to be peed out in my bladder. I'm not sure if interrupting masturbation to pee increases the likelyhood of it happening or decreases it, but I am inclined to do it if I sense any urine there (and I may have to do this more than once  Citrate generic sildenafil viagra

I took 25mg last night with my girlfriend and did not get the result i wanted at all. i always try to keep an empty stomach when i see her for this reason, but she never eats before we go out and insists that we get some food (not knowing my reasons for not wanting to eat of course) i really did not want to eat, but couldnt do anything about it. we ate and then waited probably 2 hours before doing anything. i thought that maybe the 2 hour timespan might help things a little, but it didnt. i had the same problem ive had before- i can get hard, but its still fairly flimsy and i could not keep it and finish. i guess i just should not eat anything within 5 hours of taking it maybe? when you guys take it, you get really hard and keep it right? its not a question of being turned on by my girlfriend, i find her incredibly attractive sexually. until this point, ive never had problems like this before, but in the last year or so, something has changed for me and i am now only getting moderately hard erections. this is Effects of levitra on women

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Okay I need some advice/opinions here on a major issue im having. It's really important. To make a long story short, i've had this weird back pain for awhile now (been going on for MONTHS) It started as a funny pain i've never felt before, in one area on my upper back on the left. It got worse & I went to see my Dr (A new Dr actually) to see what it could be.Basically I went for a few visits, she gave me licoderm patches (which suck) same thing, no help. Recently I went back again because all of a sudden it's like.ka POW. It seems to have gotten SO much worse. it's constant. Burning, tingling, stabbing, itching, cramping, all in rotation. I've been going out of my mind. Basically she and another Dr took a look @ & felt my back again and diagnosed it as a pinched nerve.She gave me amtytriptaline.which.yeah.suc ks too. I scheduled an MRI for this sat, which can't come soon enough b/c i'm scared about whats going on. NOTHING has helped this pain lately. I'm not a cry baby, or weak or a drug seeker.i can take pain, but this is ridiculous. OTC stuff does NOTHING. Today I tried in a non chalant way to see if she may give me something a bit more appropriate for my levels of pain (Not to mention anxiety b/c of all this.insane heart rate, BP through the roof.I work myself up) No, I got some new piece of crap medication for nerve pain that I refuse to even bother with. I wanted to go in and see her one more time before I resorted to the ER. So I suppose my question is if I go to the ER and be honest with them about how much pain I really am in, tell them my problem and that i'm having an MRI, & my dr won't prescribe me anything that will help or has helped me for my pain, will they be likely to prescribe me some painkillers to just get me through the next few days even or anything? It seems like it would be acceptable, and I have no other options.HELP! Any experiences, advice, input would be helpful, ASAP, because if i'm going to go it is going to be soon. Thank you!  Cialis severe headache

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G out but not leaking and almost looked like it was trying to fuse with the top end (my theory). I saw some articles online that these things heal with time on their own and didnt panic. Over the next few days I saw what looked like the bottom end and top end fusing with this black piece, which had now solidified, in the middle. Monday morning I woke up to go to work, now I have been very careful with it, to the point where I don't masturbate, don't have sex or even exercise much, I even try not to grow a boner so this thing will heal right. And I didn't feel any pain or soreness in it at this point. But when changing my boxers to something a little tighter, the slightest friction created some soreness. When I checked, the black middle piece was gone, must have rubbed off, and now there were just the two ends which were now somewhat sore and the bottom end had an open sore, and a gap in between. Since then it has remained pink with some soreness as only the bottom end seems to scab and later re-open but ne Sample pak cialis

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