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I ordered the stuff for my husband but I can not get him to take it he is afraid of the out come of it. For instance he is afraid that it will make his penis hard all day and stuff like that. If you have taken it can you give me some advice as to what to tell him or how to get him to take it cause he is driving me crazy making me go 3 to 6 months at a time with out and when we do have sex he is very quick to have an errection. Do you have any advice I am very desperate for some help? Please HELP ME I REALLY NEED IT BAD!.
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Hi. I am a mle in my late 30's. No problem with ED yet, but do experience the odd occation when my erection is disappointing. I am currently not interested in "Viagra" and other medication as there is not a drastic need for this. I occasionally do use a generic product for "recreational" purposes which me and my girlfriend both enjoy a lot! I would like to hear from other men what do they eat exactly and what minerals do they take as supliments to boost their sex drive and their erections and libido. I for sure will try! please share!  Viagra for sale uk

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I take prozac and wellbutrin and have experienced decreased libido/hard time ejaculating. My doc prescribed viagra to help with this. Has anyone had any experience or success with this approach? edinburgh find viagra search sites Hey, I am a 22 year old male and I exercise all the time and eat healthy. I have been having a problem lately with getting fully hard erections. I have been masturbating ever since I was about 12. Sometimes I would do it 4 times a day or more. To this day I still have a hard time not masturbating. I am a very sexual person and get turned on easy. I just don’t really understand why at 22 years of age I would be having trouble getting my penis fully hard. It should happen with in 10 seconds or so but it takes me a while sometimes to even get it semi hard and this really pisses me off. I am thinking that even though I use lotion on my penis that my hands are rough because I lift weights and that has caused my skin on my penis to become also less sensitive. I bet if I waited a week or more my penis would be more sensitive and I would have much harder erections but at 22 whys should I have to wait to get sensitivity in my penis? Also I was masturbating one night with something that I had no idea would so any harm

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