Anyone notice anxiety/depression worse after a night of heavy drinking? viagra users I need some important advice.I'm 27 years old and have suffered from depression and anxiety all of my life. I'm currently taking Lexapro for this, but I have pretty much been on all of the anti-depressants and anxiety drugs. I have never been in a relationship, but have met someone really special. However, for the last year or so, I have no been able to sustain an erection and have been unable to ejaculate during sex. If i am masturbating, i am able to keep my erection, but not when i'm with someone. I plan on having a real relationship with a special girl, so i want to be able to make love normally. is my loss of erection because of the Lexapro, possibly? am i justified in asking my doctor for a pill such as viagra or cialis? i don't know what to do and I'd love to have some advice.
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You can post and get replies and support from your cyber friends, as usual. The rules are for your own protection. Remember that all posts go onto search engines and are completely traceable by legal means. The rules being enforced are Law. They are not invented by this website. What may no longer be done here is to jeopardize safety and privacy by asking for or giving prescription pain med advice to try to get past your doctors or the DEA. Unfortunately, some people were asking for medical advice that only their own physician is legally allowed to prescribe, by asking what type of med they should use, or what dose to take, or how to get higher doses out of meds, or how to get around drug tests, or how to get meds without doctor prescription, or posting that they got meds from other people and want to know how to use them. This activity is illegal and the discussion was always inappropriate use of the website. The website is for you to give each other support: NOT to find ways to get around the law. This site does not knowingly allow discussion of illegal activity. Therefore, please know that you may discuss your pain and provide encouragement as long as it is legal activity and not self-medicating. Over the counter meds are legally self-medication, and their use/doses, etc. may be discussed. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.medicare viagra 2006
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I went to the doctor n she said i had a pulled groin.i went back to work n at first week and it didnt start to bother me but then it start back bothering me again n now my other side is hurting but not as bad it doesnt really hurt bad only when i am at working.i think it feels more like a ache. i didnt finish all the muscle relaxers so i was wondering if i didnt get it time to heal because y i was taking them for 3 week n when i quit taking them when i went back to work.i started to hurt again once i started back to work.i started feeling around n it hurts around the lympth nodes area but on top of that i am a hypochondriac.i was wondering could i make them come up n make them worse by messing with them?i havent had sex in 9 months n the last i did it was unprotected.i got tested a year ago n the last girl that i slept with got tested like 3 months ago n it came out negetive.i start looking up everything n all these stds starting poping up but i havent had no fever or my questions are could i make Satisfy you down there. she told me that she likes it rough and straight to the sex. she laughed because she said she thinks like a guy and just wants to go at it like Wam Bam thank you Ma'am, and that i think like a girl because i want to take my time and go slowly. she said she doesn't care if i last a couple of minutes or not she just wanted to feel me inside her. so i guess, we just weren't on the same page. now that i know what she wants sexually i think we can connect better and satisfy each other. so next time we get in the mood again. i'm just gonna go for it and skip the foreplay. i just hope that i don't go limp when putting the condom on. what do you guys think? Make cum taste better viagra Taking ginkgo biloba with wellbutrin need help/advice please
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