tisdag 27 april 2010

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Cheating question Order cheap levitra Quick update on my situation. I suddenly remembered reading about a venous flow controller named actis (a constriction ring). No doubt you have already heard of this. Now I'm not going to delude myself, I'm still going to need an implant eventually. But as for right now, when I'm on cialis I can get a pretty solid erection. The only problem being that it goes away quickly. I've tried another brand of constriction ring before but due to poor design it failed. Also I wasn't on cialis 20 mg when I tried it. Actis is the only brand I know that has actually been tested and has respect in the medical community so if actis + 20 mg cialis can give me a decent enough erection to have sex, then I'll hold out on the implant and wait for the technology to improve and for my problem to worsen. I'm not expecting a miracle with this constriction band thing but it's worth a shot.

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Thanks, lookinfwd! It's very encouraging to hear your report re: overcoming the fear of a bad injection. I had a similar report recently from a health professional, but hearing it from one of "us" is more meaningful to me. I still have not given papaverine a second try with a higher dosage. I think it's a matter of 1.) fear that it's not going to work, since so many other options have been unsuccessful; 2.) fear of priaprism, and 3.) just overcoming the perception of having to inject into that very sensitive area. Your encouragement will help a lot. RFJ120: I chuckled aloud at your report of your desire to "jump her across the table". My uro said that while most patients used injections for 9 months to a year, he had one patient who was still using them after 20 years with no problems. I've been using a VED and while it works, I have to use two restricting rings to maintain an erection and just don't have much feeling once both rings are in place. But.it's still better than nothing. fda approved generic viagra sildenafil citrate

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