måndag 8 mars 2010

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I have what can only be desribed as red blothes/ spots on the head of my penis and on the foreskin in the position that would be covering the head. I went to the GUM clinic and was told this was nothing to worry about and would be solved with salt baths. This does work but only temporarily. It can go a few weeks and be fine but then they come back. does anyone know what it could be and of any other remedy? Chalis vs viagra You asked about products and that's what I addressed. Now that you asked what I would do, I personally would not use topical anesthetics (benzocaine). Why have a numb penis? The idea is to enjoy sex. Check some of the other posts about premature ejaculation. You can train yourself not to ejaculate too quickly. Basically, masturbate to the point of ejaculation, but then stop before ejaculation. Let yourself calm down and start again. Keep doing this. You can learn which muscles tighten up when you are getting ready to ejaculate. Learn to control them. If you can do this, then you can last all night. Anxiety can also cause you to ejaculate too quickly - the fear of doing so causes it. Just get your head into how it feels and what she's doing. Try to focus on her reaction to your movements so that you can move better for her. That takes your mind off of ejaculating and also makes it much better for her. When your ready, then use the muscles you've been holding off on and make it good. That's actually what I did. cheapest generic viagra I am unable to get a hard enough erection for penetration during masturbation. Same thing happens in sex, but I figured that it was linked to the former problem somewhat as well. Diet isnt bad, in pretty good shape. Was reading that taking zinc might help? FWIW, I take that multivitamin pack from GNC, which has caffeine, guarana, etc in it.

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I have been mastubating regularly ever since I learned how. I've stopped briefly at times (new year's resolutions - lol) and in recent years a week might pass by without the urge to masturbate. I have never gone an entire month without doing it though. I nave not noticed any relation between lack of masturbating and the occurence of a wet dream. "Less than 10" is just a guess - it may be closer to 5. Most of these (another guess) probably happened around the ages of 18 - 23. I might have had one wet dream since the loss of my right (undescended) testicle back in 1996. I wonder if there's a connection. I want to abstain from masturbating just to see if I can get another to happen deliberately. I should have had more wet dreams, but knowing the feeling that usually precedes them (intense erection, hollow sexual feeling) has caused me to wake myself up a few times to avoid making a mess. On one occasion, there was no dream. I just woke up with sticky shorts and proudly shrugged off the event. sublingual viagra Maybe a couple of times a week I wake up with an erection, but before I'm even out of bed it goes away. And throughout the week maybe once or even twice I'll get one, but not under any particular circumstances. Just pops up for a minute and that's it. Apart from the lack of sexual interest/desire/whatever are there other changes in my lifestyle? Just that I'm not interested in / excited about many things that normally I would be. Generally I'd say I'm sleeping okay, eating normal I think, etc. I actually saw a doctor when I first realized that I had no physical interest in women. He did some blood work and said results showed that my testosterone levels were in the upper-end of the normal range and that my lack of interest was probably a stress related problem and suggested that I just relax and not stress out about anything for a week or two and it would come back. I've put off going again because every time I start thinking about going I'll have a couple of days in a row when I think "ah, there's cialis 30 oral Slight penis curve and sensation problem. Viagra gag gifts Keep losing erections 6buy generic levitra

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I read some of Angels post here regarding symptoms of being on, or that is, the symptoms of withdrawl of suboxone which struck me as odd at first, then after some thought, not so much, and so have questions for those who have been through detox program via the use of Suboxone. Short of my story: Three lumbar surgeries and two cervical surgeries '98-2001. Month after double-fusion cervical surgery, massive cervigenical (hope that is correct terminology) headaches began. They begin at top of neck near bottom of skull. Or better said, perphaps, around C1 vert/joint and bottom of skull. In and out of ERs. Dropped out of college. Life consumed by these daily neck/headaches. After all types of meds exhausted, placed on Actiq. About three years on it. As with any med, I guess I built a tolerance, and was taking quite a lot of the lolipops. Placed into detox '07 undercare of professional detoxer at a hopital not a drug addiction clinic or other. Suboxone chose as that med that would be used to ween me off. The doc assured me that there wouldn't be any screaming or violent reaction. Well, just the opposite happened. When I read Angel's post about restless legs, or legs reacting to withdrawal, I related save I experienced something much more intense than "restless legs." I all ready have terrible electrical pain throughout body. Why? Docs don't know. Grown worse over last two years. Night off detox: In hospital bed waiting for withrdrawl to begin before Suboxone treatment administered. I became nuts/violent. I was screaming from so pain pain. But something very odd occured, my legs begin to kick without wanting very violently. I kicked and kicked the bed, the walls, the floor--same with arm/fist (right sid 1000 e). I ended up injurying myself, but that went ignored by WC. I used up all Suboxone that was meant for two days within a matter of hours I'm told. I awoke the next morning, complainning of distended stomach (to me stomach, but reality, belly, so colon, right?) I did not void for six or seven days. I was taken off the Suboxone and released early for hospital. I marks two years this week since then. I have been sick every since then. Acute pancreatitis caused by not voiding for 12 days. Calificied gallstones and now told need gallbladder removed, though I am not convinced that my digestive problems will be resloved after it for I am more inclined to believe, that like my bladder, not gall, the other, it has been dysfunctional since '99 after double-fusion surgery. I have had to use pain meds here and there to fight the pain (what is one to do after they are picked up by ambulence that someone called when they find you collapsed on side of road from pain? Tell docs at hospital not to administer pain meds because been through detox?), and some docs convinced that I have been in some kind of withdrawal all these years because after about a month and a half from released fro detox the first use of pain med used--so in their minds not clearly detoxed. I don't get that. Why would treating detox doc think you are and release you? Anyway, late told that I should have been kept on Suboxone. What? I didn't even know it was a pain med. I guess the docs though after seven years of massive headaches they'd just stop after detox. Long winded here. So, sound like anyone here? Anyone use pain meds (legally) for a decade, including Actiq, then go through violent detox, only to find yer body breaking down the following two years since? Really could be in withdrawl without really knowing it? I know withdrawl, this don't seem like it, it just seems like digestion doesn't work, and was hit with high cholestral/high tryglides soon after detox. Then the acute pancreatitis. The still inability to void even with mass amounts of fiber and pancreatic enzymes. The calificied gallstones found in June '07, not present til then. And now just last night learned that something wrong with lung. Mininimal colapse of some sort that I don't quite understand yet. Also discovered in '07, but only learning now. It doesn't seem odd to me that all the things have occured since detox, well, now they don't after reading this and that. But, ya think it probably that body starting shutting down from the shock of it, the violent withdrawl, etc etc etc.  Is viagra better than levitra

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